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religion ARŞİV

Question: It is stated in the Qur’an that wrongdoers will feel remorse on the Day of Judgment: “On that Day, the wrongdoer will bite at .....
Question: What is the right stance and attitude that become believers in the face of insults and disrespect against religion and sacred values? Answer: When .....
Question: What are the messages that can be drawn from the verse (translated as): “God has already helped you on many fields, and on the .....
Question: Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi is misunderstood in our time by some and is subjected to unfair criticism concerning his Sufi path. Could you evaluate the .....
Question: What are the indications of being devoted to serving humanity for the sake of God? What are your suggestions for evoking enthusiasm in new .....
Question: It is stated that the devoted souls who will realize a new revival are supposed be no different than ordinary people. On the other .....
Question: Those who work at the establishments based on the philosophy of devotedly serving humanity, sometimes begin to develop expectations of a better payment and .....
Introductory Note The phrase Broken Jug is a valuable metaphor and a symbol worth pondering upon. It gets its name from the following tale by .....
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