Yıl Seçiniz..

Hizmet ARŞİV

Question: Can murders, suicide attacks, and other violent acts that are committed by some under the guise of religion be explained solely with reference to .....
Question: Although unbelief makes its presence felt in a person’s heart as a deep void and anxiety, many people continue to stick with it. What .....
Question: What are the good things that faith promises us? Is it possible to talk about differing degrees of feeling these beauties in one’s heart? .....
Question: A Muslim is described in a hadith as a person from whose tongue and hands other people are secure. How can we ingrain this .....
Question: How was Ali ibn Abi Talib’s relationship with the other three Caliphs? It has been claimed that he had serious disagreements with them. Would .....
May God not leave us without guidance. Otherwise, we would never know what is right and what is wrong, or what is good and what is .....
Question: Is there a limit to making sacrifices for the sake of God? What should be the degree of material-spiritual sacrifice for those who dedicate .....
Kıymetli arkadaşlar, Sünnet-i seniyyeye bakıldığında, yolculuğa çıkış anından bineğe oturulduğu esnaya, gidilen beldenin görüldüğü andan o beldeye giriş vaktine, dönüş yolundan aile fertlerinin yanına ulaşıldığı .....
Question: What does the following prayer mean to a Muslim? “We are content with Allah as our Lord, with Islam as our religion, and with .....
Question: It is a sorry state of affairs that in a wide range of Muslim countries many evil deeds are committed under the guise of .....
Question: It is stated in a verse (which means): “O you Messengers! Partake of (God’s) pure and wholesome bounties, and always act righteously. I have .....
يَا رَبَّنَا يَا رَبَّنَا طَهِّرْ قُلُوبَنَا، نَجِّنَا “O Lord! Purify our hearts and save us.” In this prayer, the word “save” is stated to be .....
Question: As it is known, a little breakdown in the center will cause greater problems in the periphery. Taking this truth into consideration, what are .....
Question: The educational activities by the movement of volunteers yield very good examples of success, as happened in the Science Olympiads. Can we say that .....
Unlike the rank and file, guides should think twice before they say something for the sake of their followers. Failure to do so might cause .....
Question: Every year, the month of Ramadan comes like a heavenly serenity and assurance felt in the spirits; it softens believers’ hearts, virtually melts them, .....
Question: It is stated that an elaborate account of wrongs may pollute people’s minds with temptations. On the other hand, we need to make warnings .....
Question: What do we need to be careful about while making constructive criticism, which is an important means of seeking the better at everything, so .....
Kıymetli arkadaşlar, Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’ye “Toplumu siyah beyaz diye çok koparmışlar. Bunu ancak dipten gelen hareketler tamir edebilir.” buyurdunuz. Bu tesbit, dünyanın değişik toplumları .....