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Hizmet ARŞİV

Question: What is the right way for believers to struggle in order to prevent wrongdoings and injustice?Answer: Islam came with a message of balance and .....
Question: What is the ideal attitude for a believer in the face of a good result or an accomplishment?Answer: A real believer knows that all .....
Question: You mention that it is necessary to speak about the services we carry out in a reasonable and objective manner that is free of .....
Question: What are the points of consideration for attaining the desired level of deep contemplation, which is one of the essentials for volunteers? Answer: Deep .....
Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’ye şu soruyu tevcih ettik: “Mefkûre muhâcirleri ile dünyanın dört bir yanında onları istikbal edenler arasındaki irtibatın tamamen evrensel insanî değerlere saygıdan .....
Question: In one of his blessed sayings, our noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, compared a believer to stalk and a hypocrite to cedar .....
Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, fırtınalar ve darbeler karşısında hakiki müminlerin “muvakkat sarsıntılar” yaşasalar da asla yıkılmayacaklarını anlattı. Bazen husumete kilitli kimselerin hasım saydıkları insanları kasden .....
Question: The works of Risale-i Nur relate three types of patience.1 What kind of a relationship exists among them?Answer: Similar to the great personages who .....
Question: What should a believer’s perspective of the world be, so that it will be possible to transform the means of this mortal world into .....
Question: What are the duties and responsibilities that fall to believers in the face of ruthless attacks that stem from feelings of envy and jealousy? .....
Question: What are the essential principles to be considered in order to constantly keep alive the spirit of devotedness in hearts?Answer: Above all, wholeheartedly devoted .....
Kıymetli arkadaşlar, Allah nasip ederse, Pazartesi sabahı “İman hem nurdur hem kuvvettir.” başlıklı bir Bamteli sohbeti neşredeceğiz. Onun hazırlıklarını yaparken, muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin yaklaşık .....
The Consultation Must Not Be the Place of Asserting Our Own IdeasAn important principle for evaluating issues with criteria of the conscience is the following .....
Question: What are the method and manners of consultation in Islam?Answer: The Qur’an clearly mentions consultation as an indispensible quality of Muslims that leaves no .....
Kıymetli arkadaşlar, Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi, yaklaşık 3 saat önceki sohbetinde mazlumlara düşen vazifeleri anlattı. Hizmet gönüllülerinin, maruz kaldıkları zulümler karşısında nasıl davranmaları lazım geldiğini .....
Question: You previously emphasized the importance of evaluating the past, present, and the future with a comprehensive perspective. How does this fact apply in our .....
Despite all odds, time seems to flow toward long awaited days of splendor and hours of bliss. Albeit, there is a shadowy presence of ominous .....
BAMTELİ – ÖZEL *Hususiyle günümüzde nifak ve şikâkın çok köpürüp durmasına karşılık, tadil edici ve tansiyonu aşağıya çekici ilaç türünden bir kısım pozitif tavır ve .....
Question: True stories of the Hizmet volunteers are told in the movie Selam (or salam—an expression of greeting and goodwill). You made the comment that .....
After the disintegration of the Ottoman State, consecutive disintegrations ensued in the Islamic World. Today there are new efforts by Muslims to stand on their .....