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Fethullah ARŞİV

Those who “rely on God, embrace the struggle, and yield to wisdom” will eventually be victorious. Victory will come to them sooner or later, in .....
Question: What are the essential principles concerning such issues as: our sensing the connection between world events and our deeds; recognizing the connection between the .....
Question: What way and method should be followed for the purpose of “restoring the stronghold of faith, which has been damaged for years” as Bediüzzaman .....
Question: The following is related in Al-Munabbihat (The Counsel) with reference to Ali ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him: “The following four .....
Question: What points should we consider to avoid doing more harm than good while carrying out our duty of enjoining the good and forbidding the .....
Question: What kind of a life do you recommend the volunteers to lead in order not to have any regrets in the Hereafter which would .....
Question: In your talks, you frequently mention the significance of remaining loyal to the basic principles of the Religion and the religious methodology (Usul ad-Din, .....
Question: When we view the life of God’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and the stories of the Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, .....
Question: Does misfortune play a role in helping a person attain the understanding of true Divine Unity? Answer: True tawhid, or Divine Unity, is to .....
Question: While serving on the path of God, the tasks we are responsible for can become ordinary and monotonous to some of us. Is this .....
Question: It is sometimes the case that people who are responsible for a certain area or who govern a certain place, after a period of .....
Question: Considering the present conditions, we can see that people who have contributed to charitable works are being raided with the intention of defaming them .....
Question: Certain persons are trying to justify their false statements and some illegitimate acts by claiming that they are acting in accordance with what politics .....
Question: You frequently mention in your articles and talks that Islam does not merely consist of outward form. Can you explain this a little more .....
Question: “It was by a mercy from God that (at the time of the setback), you (O Messenger) were lenient with them (your Companions). Had .....
Question: The Qur’an relates Satan’s rebellion against God as follows: “Of Your servants I will surely take a share to be assigned to me (by .....
Question: In one of his sayings, the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, stated that his followers would not abandon four characteristics of .....
Question: The noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, stated that his supplications to God about his followers not being destroyed by a wholesale .....
Question: Islam contains the principles for leading a completely “balanced” life. From this perspective, what is your evaluation of the place and position of the .....
Question: No matter how transparently the Hizmet volunteers act, those who have a fixed and dark prejudice and conditioned mindset, keep repeating claims such as, .....
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