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commonsense ARŞİV

In people, there are emotions like resentment, enmity, hatred, and jealousy, which, if left unchecked, can render them morally blind, deaf, and heartless. These feelings .....
In the Quran, Allah describes Himself as “the Light of the heavens and the earth” (Surah an-Nur, 24/35). He is the true source of light .....
The believer (mu’min) is honored through his attachment to Allah, his faith, and the privilege of being graced with Islam. In the words of Hz. .....
“Kemmiyet” represents quantity, while keyfiyet signifies the quality of consciousness. When we refer to ‘quality’, we understand the depth of an individual’s inner being, their .....
Both in the individual and societal realms, changes and transformations follow one another. Some of these changes lead towards progress, development, growth, while others decay, .....
Doing or producing something good and beautiful and ensuring that others perceive these beauties as “beautiful,” and then sustaining these beauties, are two different things. .....
Question: Is there a connection between natural/cosmic events and our actions, are the incidents that happen to us related to our deeds and actions? Answer: .....
For the past few centuries, unfortunately, the Islamic world has become estranged from one another, losing the sense of unity and solidarity, resulting in countries .....
Question: Some actions taken to initiate dialogue with others or to safeguard one’s spiritual journey might be seen as compromising religious principles by certain groups. .....
Question: In the ahadith of the Prophet, it is emphasized that every human being has to observe a certain set of rights – like the .....
God Almighty states in the Manifest Book—the Qur’an—that every hardship will be followed by ease (al-Inshirah 94:5-6). Experiences in our individual and social lives can .....
Our primary concern, regardless of time or place, is to have people rise to the level of true humanity. Only those individuals who are moved .....
Iman, or belief in God; Islam, or practicing belief; ihsan, or excellence in belief to the point of being aware of the Divine presence all .....
We can walk on the straight path (al-sirat al-mustakim) when we sincerely seek a life of purity and keep away from sin, and when we .....
Loving this world—not for the purposes of its creation, but—for its materialistic aspects that appeal to our whims and desires, means, as it were, preferring .....
Question: How can we be a generation devoted to the Qur’an? What would be the qualities of such a generation? What would be the duties .....
Many current problems Muslims are facing can be related to their own approach to faith, which does not go beyond practicing ostensibly, which fails to .....
Every day we might find ourselves in different occupations or making different choices, but we may be unaware of whether we seek God’s pleasure in .....
Those who “rely on God, embrace the struggle, and yield to wisdom” will eventually be victorious. Victory will come to them sooner or later, in .....
Question: What are the essential principles concerning such issues as: our sensing the connection between world events and our deeds; recognizing the connection between the .....
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  • Herkul Radyo