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Question: How should we understand and apply “istighna”, which is taught to us as an important prophetic morality in the Quran, in our lives? Is .....
Question: Imam al-Ghazali states that the essence of asceticism is generosity. What is the relationship between asceticism and generosity? Answer: Asceticism (zuhd), in essence, involves .....
Question: Although we initially engage in altruistic services with great love and excitement, over time, this love and excitement can fade, and sometimes one can .....
Question: It is reported that scholar Sha’rani[1] said, “If I stay in the company of a person who does not pray, even for a short .....
Human beings must choose their path in this world carefully, walk with eyes wide open, and strive to stay on the straight path. They should .....
Question: What factors contribute to Muslims’ capacity to keep pace with contemporary knowledge, research, and intellectual advancements, thereby bridging the gap that has persisted for .....
It is important to note that the early followers who embraced the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and supported his mission .....
Question: The Quranic verse on fasting emphasizes taqwa (God-consciousness and righteousness), highlighting the deep connection between fasting and the cultivation of taqwa. What makes fasting .....
The core responsibility of believers dedicated to elevating Allah’s message mirrors the role of an ophthalmologist who removes a patient’s cataracts, restoring clear vision. Their .....
Question: What should be our approach to terms occasionally used by some, such as “moderate Islam” and “radical Islam”? Answer: To concisely convey my viewpoint, .....
Every action performed in prayer (salat), from its obligatory acts and necessary duties to its recommended practices and even its etiquettes, along with every form .....
In the Surah al-Furqan, the Almighty God refers to the believers as ‘the servants of The Most Merciful’ and mentions some of their attributes. The .....
It was believed that globalization would lead to the diminishing of cultural differences, dilute individual and group identities, and suppress nationalist sentiments. The expectation was .....
Compassion might be regarded as one of the lost yet essential virtues of humanity. Numerous hadiths emphasize that rifq (kindness, gentleness) and shafkat (compassion) are .....
Question: Some Muslims who assume and dream of returning to the glorious days of their history see politics as the way to achieve this. What .....
Question: How should we understand the hadith that states “Paradise is surrounded by ‘disliked things’ and Hell is surrounded by ‘desires’? Answer: The hadith mentioned .....
We are living in a challenging era, where overlapping destructions occur, religious values are demolished, and even people facing the same Qibla are turned into .....
When people assess others, they often use themselves as a benchmark, assuming that others share their views, goals, feelings, and thoughts. For instance, someone who .....
Throughout human history, prophets, truthful individuals, and righteous beings have consistently encountered counterparts in the form of pharaohs, tyrants, oppressors, and the wicked in every .....
Question: What key aspects should one consider when expressing a firm stance against sins and turning earnestly towards repentance and seeking forgiveness with a sincere .....
  • Herkul Radyo